Newborn Manikins
Newborn Manikins
The specialized training of neonatal nurses starts with practicing their skills on newborn patient care simulators. This manikins simulate newborn patients up to the age of one month and are suited for basic to advanced neonatal patient care training. Procedures like suctioning, intubation, injections and infusions, catheterization, tracheostomy care, airway management, and neonatal CPR can be trained on these manikins of the tiniest patients over and over again, until every step of the procedure is performed accurately.
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Model to train professionals in diagnosing both congenital hip dislocation and hip dislocatability
A very realistic replica of a newborn baby. Thanks to the use of special plastic, the skin feels very natural and is waterproof. Bathing, umbilical care, general examinations, physiotherapy exercises, putting on nappies and dressing can be practised. Available as a male and female doll.
The dolls are made of soft, flexible plastic material and give a lifelike impression in touch and handling. Due to the seamless design of the dolls they are ideal for bathing practice. The soft material allows a natural range of motion.
Extremely low birth weight infant model offers the opportunities to practice fundamental skills in NICU.
This manikin represents a male infant of 26-29 weeks gestational with 900g weight. It provides training opportunities for nursing and emergency.
This manikin represents a male infant of 26-29 weeks gestational with 900g weight. It provides training opportunities for nursing and emergency.
The ideal model for practicing how to care for premature infants. Developed for training in incubator care. Two versions available.
Special needs infants require specific yet gentle care which includes the performance of vital medical procedures. The Special Needs Infant was developed for a wide range of educational training.
These nursing manikins offer practice opportunities for all important nursing measures on the infant.
This advanced and incredibly realistic model with male and female features allows trainees to practice both basic and medical infant care.
Perfect for NICU, emergency medical response teams, flight medics, mock code scenarios, nursing schools, medical schools, hospitals, and family education. With light and dark skin available.
This manikin provides everything for basic care and emergency care of a newborn. The full body manikin has airways with esophagus, bronchi and lungs as well as a umbilical cord. It can also be used to practice chest compressions. The "Plus" version additionally offers the feature of venous access in arm/hand and leg. Two versions available.
This training model was developed to meet the objectives of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program’s course curriculum published by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
This cute baby-doll is ideal for training the main principals of baby care at school and in preparation courses for young parents.
Female infant (6-8 months) for care assistant training
The Susie Simon® nursing care newborn patient simulator looks like a 0-8 week old baby. The chubby face and body with beautifully detailed tiny, soft hands and feet make you want to hold and care for this addition to our family of pediatric and adult advanced patient care simulators.
The new born baby’s body and texture of skin are reproduced by seamless doll and represent the neonatal vital sings precisely. You can practice as if you touch to actual baby.
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